Since the fall of the dictatorship in 1991, there has been no government in effective control of the entire country of Somalia. Amid ongoing clashes with armed groups from local tribes, the Black Hawk, a U.S.
peacekeeping force helicopter, was shot down in 1993. Then U.S. and United Nations , withdrew the peacekeeping forces, abandoning the efforts to restore the security.
There is no foreign security forces, UN personnel, or international NGOs in Somalia today, including in Mogadishu. Foreigners, no matter who they are, are to be kidnapped and killed. One week before I entered Mogadishio, the only journalist there, a Swedish, got killed.
東アフリカ ソマリア。1991年に独裁体制が倒れて以来、全土を実質的に支配する政府が存在しない状態が続いている。地元部族を中心とした武装勢力との衝突が続く中、1993年、米平和維持部隊のヘリコプター「ブラックホーク」が撃ち落とされ、米軍と国連は平和維持軍を完全撤退させ、治安回復を目指す動きは放棄された。